//ajax queries are all done, time for the header
if ((isset($_POST['usermgmt']))||($mode=="usermgmt")){
if (($_SESSION['username']=="inituser")||($_SESSION['isadmin']=="1")){
$sql="SELECT * FROM users";
$res = $db_handle->query($sql);
echo "";
//echo "
Is Admin
New Password
if ($_SESSION['username']!="inituser"){
echo "
Existing users
while ($row = $res->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)){
echo "
//start vm
if (isset($_REQUEST['start'])){
$vmname = clean($_REQUEST['start']);
$sqllimit="WHERE username='$_SESSION[username]'";
$sql="SELECT * FROM vms WHERE vmname='$vmname' $sqllimit";
$res = $db_handle->query($sql);
while ($row = $res->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)){
$shellout = shell_exec("/usr/bin/nlvmi start $vmname bla");
echo $shellout;
//stop vm
if (isset($_REQUEST['stop'])){
$vmname = clean($_REQUEST['stop']);
$sqllimit="WHERE username='$_SESSION[username]'";
$sql="SELECT * FROM vms WHERE vmname='$vmname' $sqllimit";
$res = $db_handle->query($sql);
while ($row = $res->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)){
$shellout = shell_exec("/usr/bin/nlvmi stop $vmname bla");
echo $shellout;
//form for edit and new vms
if (isset($_REQUEST['edit'])){
$sql="SELECT * FROM vms WHERE id='$eid'";
$res = $db_handle->query($sql);
$editid = "";
while ($row = $res->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)){
$e = $row;
} elseif(isset($_REQUEST['newvm'])) {
if (isset($formname)){
$placehold['vmname']="Name of the VM";
$placehold['server']="ip or name of host server";
$placehold['cputype']="normally just 'host'";
$placehold['cpus']="Number of core for the VM";
$placehold['memory']="Amount of RAM for the VM im Mb";
$placehold['usbdev']="Normally just 'tablet' to get a mouse";
$placehold['kblang']="Qemu keyboard layout. Like 'de-ch'";
$placehold['custom']="Customstring to add to the qemu command";
$placehold['tapdev1']="tapname of first netinterface";
$placehold['tapdev2']="tapname of second netinterface";
$placehold['tapdev3']="tapname of third netinterface";
$placehold['macaddr1']="macaddress of first netinterface";
$placehold['macaddr2']="macaddress of second netinterface";
$placehold['macaddr3']="macaddress of third netinterface";
$placehold['brdev1']="bridge on host to add first netinterface";
$placehold['brdev2']="bridge on host to add second netinterface";
$placehold['brdev3']="bridge on host to add third netinterface";
$placehold['vncport']="VNC displaynumber like '1'";
$placehold['websocket']="port to bind the VNC websocket";
$placehold['vncpasswort']="the password for VNC";
echo "