# nlvmi
Native Lightweight Vm Management Interface
Nlvmi is a management interface for qemu/kvm hosts written in php (with bootstrap) and bash.
Nlvmi should be able to run on any common Linux distro without much hassle or obscure dependencies.
Nlvmi is written to be lightweight, functional and easy to understand and modify, while still looking at least acceptable on any device.
Nlvmi supports multiple users (admins and restricted) on the frontend and also uses these users to run the VMs. No PAM, just su.
Unix users have /bin/false as shell and the password is stored within the nlvmi database.
nginx / apache / lighttpd
sqlite3 / mariadb (only sqlite3 for now)
**Manual install:**
become root
cd /usr/local
git clone https://git.nativenet.ch/nativenet.ch/nlvmi/nlvmi.git
useradd nlvmi
ln -sf ${PWD}/nlvmi/nlvmi /usr/bin/
ln -sf ${PWD}/nlvmi/wrap-nlvmi /usr/bin/
ln -sf ${PWD}/nlvmi/web /var/www/localhost/htdocs/nlvmi
chown root:nlvmi nlvmi/*nlvmi
chmod +s nlvmi/wrap-nlvmi
mkdir /etc/nginx/nlvmi
add an "include nlvmi/*.conf" statement within nginx.conf's server declaration.