diff --git a/Installation.md b/Installation.md
index 1c2736c..53fbf37 100644
--- a/Installation.md
+++ b/Installation.md
@@ -3,15 +3,14 @@ This is the master server that runs the webinterface and manages vms either loca
It needs at least the following dependencies:
-php with a webserver (preferably nginx if https is going to be used).
-sqlite for the database
+-git - you could also just download the tarball
If there are nodes to manage, it needs these additional dependencies:
Quick install:
-become root
+```become root
cd /usr/local
git clone https://git.nativenet.ch/nativenet.ch/nlvmi.git
useradd nlvmi
ln -sf ${PWD}/nlvmi/nlvmi /usr/bin/
@@ -21,7 +20,7 @@ chown root:nlvmi nlvmi/*nlvmi
chmod +s nlvmi/wrap-nlvmi
mkdir /etc/nlvmi
cp nlvmi/vlvmi.conf /etc/nlvmi/
--- if it is the masterserver, create the db - nlvmi createdb
-chown nobody:root /etc/nlvmi
+nlvmi createdb
+chown nobody:root /etc/nlvmi ```