2 Why
mad edited this page 2018-11-07 12:30:42 +00:00

We at nativenet.ch naturally use Qemu-kvm for our Infrastructure. Over the years we tried and used almost all VM management tools around, but always felt back to using plain qemu commands started from a script for one reason or another.

One day a friend wanted to rebuild his homeserver with a better solution than his grown init scripts. After another few tries with the existing management solutions, we decided that we should probably just write our own poor interface. Most solutions are for cloud providers and bigger environments, while we only needed something to handle a few servers with a few simple vms.

We then created a bash script to generically start, check and stop VMs, a little database to hold the infos and a little interface in php. As the whole thing should stay as lightweight, understanable and therefore extendable as possible, we do not use any templating framework or such. Just bootstrap and a bit javascript to make it conveniant in the browser.

The goal is not to be compltetely feature complete and/or to compete with the other solutions or such, but to deliver an easy way for a small environment to handle KVM on standard linux installs.